Who We Are


The GAMES Laboratory is comprised of undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in reconstructing local and global environmental change through the geochemistry of sediments and sedimentary rocks or assessing heavy metal distributions in modern environments.

Students generate mercury (Hg) geochemical data from marine and terrestrial sediments as well as sedimentary rocks in order to (i) quantify the mass balance and sources and sinks of Hg in the modern environment, (ii) interpret ancient sedimentary Hg records, (iii) track the cycling of Hg during Earth’s history, and (iv) identify and characterize modern environments that contain large quantities of this highly toxic pollutant/contaminant in the United States.

Plane takes off to collect more geologists in Alaska.


Fieldwork represents a significant and necessary part of the GAMES Laboratory and select students will take part in these expeditions, both on land and ocean, domestic and abroad, related to the description and collection of geologic materials. Some students also have the opportunity travel to other collaborators’ institutions to gain vital laboratory experience while preparing for graduate school or the workforce.

CofC undergraduate geologist gazes at Triassic limestone.